
Vladimir Khramov

Backend Engineer at Bumble, London, UK

Areas of interest: php, python, solidity, ml. In love with programming since 1999.

My github, LinkedIn, and twitter.

Something cool:

2024/ Smart contract developers London / meetups

[in process] Organising and giving talks in meetups for smart contracts developers in London

Meetup.com group
2024/ Smart contract audit contests

Took part and found several high- and medium-risk bugs in smart contracts during the audit contests

The standard contest on CodeHawks (19th place)
Curves contest on Code4rena
2018/ Smart contracts workshops

Several educational workshops about smart contracts

Workshop 02/ru / Workshop 04/ru / Workshop 05/ru
2018/ Karma hackathon

Won the hackathon hosted by with the project "Decentralised multi-blockchain exchange".

Leaderboard/ru / Article/ru / Online talk/ru
2017/ Bugbounty in KickICO smart contracts

Took part in KickICO smart contracts bug bounty. Found several critical bugs.

Article/ru / Talk/ru (todo link)
2017/ ML Bootcamp contests

18th and 14th places in ML contests from mail.ru. Python lib QML for semi-automatic ML in simple contests was developed.

Leaderboard/ru 18th place / Leaderboard/ru 14th place / Article/ru / Python library / Talk/ru
2017/ Data Science Bowl

My team got 27th place in the contest. My role mostly focused on developing the pipeline and auxiliary tools, along with auxiliary investigations. Main work on NN was done by my teammates.

2013/ Durov's Telegram challenge

33rd place in the first stage of Durov's Telegram challenge.

Leaderboard / Announcement about the first stage
2001/ Slaughter

Article about my first huge project - a 2d arcade with weapons in q2. It was written in 2001-2002 for fun. Haven't touched gamedev after.
